Change The World

Your one purchase can change a life.

Veralusso - Works actively to help change the world and every purchase you make on our site - helps us do the same. We have partnered with a few charities and would like your suggestions to add the charities and causes which you feel need our help and those which can make a difference to people lives.

Estimated 11 million children under 5 face extreme hunger or starvation across the world.

Cases of abandoned elderly are on the rise worldwide. The fear of being a burden needs to end.

Yearly statistics. Approximately 7.6 million animals enter animal shelter nationwide. Approximately 2.7 million shelteranimals are euthanized. Only around 2.7 million shelter animals get adopted.

Veralusso will donate 3% of the proceeds of every sale to a charity that you choose or to one on our list if you do not choose one. You can further help with donating any additional amount at checkout .If you choose to add 10 dollars we will add further 10 dollars as our further contribution in additional to our initial 3% ( subject to a maximum of 10% of the order value).

Every cent is accounted for and our team works hard to ensure that the money reaches the right hands.

We update you every step of the way so you can be satisfied when your contributions has changed and improved lives.

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